Our location
Our Location
Easy to arrive, close to the city center
Hotel Kauppi is conveniently located and easy to arrive, but still within walking distance from the city center.
From Helsinki
Drive straight towards Tampere on the road number 3 until you arrive to the Viinikka traffic circle. Continue straight for 0.9 km and follow sign for “Vaasa/Särkänniemi”. You will arrive to Kalevan puistotie. Drive straight for 0.6 km and turn left when you see a sign “Pohjolankatu”. Turn right nearly directly after turning onto Pohjolankatu before gas station “Neste”.
Drive straight towards road number 12 to the Tampere tunnel, following sign “Jyväskylä/Lahti”. Continue straight approximately 2.5 km until you exit the tunnel. Continue straight for 300 meters and turn right when you see sign for “Kalevala/UKK-instituutti”. Continue on the street until you pass “Neste” gas station and turn left to the Hotel grounds.
From Jyväskylä
Drive straight towards Tampere on the road number 12. Pass Tampere University Hospital (TAYS) on the right and continue straight for 1.6km. Turn right onto Kalevan puistotie. Continue straight for 600 meters and turn left on sign “Tammela”. Continue straight for 200 meters and turn to hotel ground before “Neste” gas station.
Public transit
City lines 14 and 2.
Line number 61 from Pirkkala airport
Kalevan puistotie 2, Tampere
Navigators: Pohjolankatu 32
Hotel Kauppi
Kalevan puistotie 2
Navigators: Pohjolankatu 32